Sunday, December 27, 2009

tuck son

so i left yesterday for tucson az after a really nice christmas at home. i have the privilege of being here till january 10th, until i return to boulder for the spring semester. my blog hasnt been very frequent lately so im going to try and update everyday im in tucson. yesterday i landed about 11, got to the condo at sabino canyon a bit later, and was able to get out for a 2hr or so ride. im sharing a house with kevin gottlieb, steven black, and russ brown. we are very close to mt ltemmon, nice climb in thearea..very long. rode up to just mile 7 yesterday and back to the place. today im going for a longer ride, outtowards helmet peak and mission road


Kathy said...

We had a nice dinner with your folks last night. They sure are proud of you! :-)

chris said...

Nice ...whats the weather like ..maybe in next post include..guessing 50s high.